Travel tips

June 1, 2016

Public places are full of bacteria and viruses. Whether you are planning a trip to the mall, grocery store or gym, you are guaranteed to encounter germs. However, two of the biggest culprits are airports and airplanes. A recent study looked at the dirtiest places, and the bottom line was that airports and airplanes are dirtier than your home and most public places.

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June 1, 2016

Travelling without travel insurance is not advisable, but many Canadians still choose to travel unprotected, particularly when they travel outside their home province but within Canada.

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May 2, 2016

The 2016 Summer Olympic Games are approaching quickly. The Olympic Games bring the world together. Athletes from countries from all over the world meet in the same place in celebration of sport and competition to find out who is the world’s best.

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May 1, 2016

Many people enjoy having house guests. It’s a great way to have an extended visit with family or friends. It gives you the chance to entertain and play host for an evening or more, depending on how long your guests will stay. It can also be stressful: perhaps your in-laws are coming for a visit and you want the house to be perfect, or your guests are friends whom you really want to impress. Or you may even rent your home or a room.

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May 1, 2016

When you’re booking a trip, choosing your airline is as important as choosing your travel insurance policy. Both can have a big impact on the quality of your flying experience and comfort. Which airline was ranked at the top in 2015?

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May 1, 2016

It is never too early to start thinking about your summer vacation plans. Regardless of what time of year you are reading this, now is always the best time to start thinking about how you want to spend your vacation. Don’t wait for the end of the school year or for summer to start to begin thinking about where you want to go this year.

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