Travel tips

May 1, 2016

Many Canadians strive for finding the job of their dreams. For many, it means expanding their job search and, potentially, even being open to working outside Canada.

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May 1, 2016

Staying home is the plan for many Canadians this summer. The lower dollar has forced many Canadians to finally start looking more seriously at the wonderful travel opportunities here in Canada.

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May 1, 2016

When we think of the world’s most romantic cities, Paris and Venice are the first that come to mind for many of us, but there are other cities around the world that are just as romantic. A city can be considered a romantic destination for various reasons.

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May 1, 2016

Travel can be tough, especially if you have a long flight ahead or will be spending extensive time away from home. There is only so much you can fit into your suitcase, and considering the costs of checking in additional baggage and the difficulty of lugging it around, most travellers stick with one bag.

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May 1, 2016

Money is always a factor for planning a trip. Most travellers set a budget for an upcoming trip, but how many of us actually stay within our budget? It’s common for people to get home from a trip only to check their credit card bill and see that they went over budget.

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May 1, 2016

Whether you are planning a weekend cross-border shopping trip or a vacation down south, it’s important to have travel insurance coverage. Sure, you hear this a lot, but travel insurance can not only provide you with travel assistance, it can save you a significant amount of money if you happen to get injured while in the United States. Without travel insurance, you are on the hook for all medical costs you incur, and many travellers will likely not be able to pay such fees easily.

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