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An elderly couple looking at a computer together

Local support services for seniors in Ontario: Important resources for an aging population

Local support services for seniors are becoming more important

As the population ages, it is becoming more important than ever for Ontario to provide high-quality care to seniors. It’s important that we, as a society, take care of our elders, and local support services play an important role. By 2017, Ontario will have more people who are over the age of 65 than under 15. This is a significant change in our population demographics, and support services will continue to play an important role in helping the aging population live a fulfilling, prosperous and healthy lifestyle for years to come.

Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors

Introduced in 2013, Ontario's Action Plan for Seniors aims to transform our health care system and community to meet the needs of seniors.

"I am proud of the progress we have made since introducing Ontario's Action Plan for Seniors. Together with our community partners, seniors and their families, we are creating and sustaining supportive environments that help Ontario seniors live active, safe and meaningful lives," says Mario Sergio, minister responsible for seniors affairs.

The program has three main objectives:

  1. Healthy seniors: Helping seniors find access to the health care services they need.
  2. Senior-friendly communities: Promoting the creation and development of age-friendly communities to enhance seniors’ well-being.
  3. Safety and security: Providing programs for seniors to help them live safely and independently, and with dignity.

To learn more about Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors and to find support services for seniors in your area, visit

Community Care Access Centres

Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) are agencies that provide information about health and personal care options that are local to a given area. These centres arrange services not only for seniors, but also for people who require health care services for living independently and for people with disabilities.

The centres are designed to provide individuals with various services, including independent living, long-term care, personal support, homemaking and more.

Learn more about CCACs by visiting

211 Ontario

211 Ontario helps seniors access home support and financial assistance services. The helpline offers information and assistance finding services related to pensions, tax refunds, legal help, health care, home care, long-term care and housing, as well as social, recreational and educational programming. Programs and scheduling vary from community to community. All you need to do is call 211 to get the most up-to-date information.

Learn more about what 211 Ontario has to offer and how they can help by visiting

A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario

This guide is a comprehensive resource for information about programs and services available to Ontario's seniors. It provides detailed information about various programs and services for active living, caregiving, finances, health, housing and long-term care homes, safety and security, transportation, Ontario government ID and a list of key contacts to help you with your inquiries.

Learn more or access the seniors guide here:

You can also call the Seniors’ INFOline at 1-888-910-1999 or 1-800-387-5559 for assistance.

Health insurance for seniors

Blue Cross offers various options for health insurance for seniors. With cuts to provincial health care programs, having access to additional health care coverage is more important than ever. Having a reliable health insurance plan gives you the peace of mind in knowing you are covered for unexpected and regular medical expenses. Get a health insurance quote today!